Democracy in Poland

Concept Explanation

Democracy in Poland

Democracy in Poland: In 1980, Poland was ruled by the Polish United Workers’ Party. It was one of the many Communist Parties that ruled in several countries of East Europe at that time. In these countries, no other political party was allowed to function. The people could not freely choose the leaders of the Communist Party or the government. Those who spoke against them were put in prison. The government in Poland was supported and controlled by the Soviet Union (USSR), which was a vast and powerful Communist State.

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Question : 1

Consider the following statements:

  • A. Poland became free from the control of Soviet Union in 1989-90 because Soviet Union Itself broke down in 15 Republics.
  • B. Nikrumah,the ruler of Ghana,was overthrown by the military in 1968.

Which of the following is correct?

Right Option : C
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